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UTD | Universal Tekio Driver

UTD (Universal Tekio Driver) is a col...


This is the starting point for developing a UTD Integration. This document will give you a general view of the different integration strategies so that you c...

Common Methods

The following Methods are enabled for all device types and drivers. Open a Connection [OPEN] Close a Connection [CLOSE] Get UTD Driver Version [VERSION]

Common Objects

Receipt ReceiptLayout Style Layout

Printers and Fiscal Printers

Fiscal printer drivers allows the complete management of a fiscal printer device. Printers are usually a receipt printer but can also be a Laser or Inkjet pr...

EFT Devices

EFT Device Drivers allows payment operations generally through the use of credit/debit cards. Available Drivers Country Manufacturer Models or Protocols Conn...

Customer Display

Customer Display allows you to view customer and/or receipt information on the display. Available Drivers Country Manufacturer Models or Protocols Connection...

Tax Free Providers

Tax Free providers provide Tax Refund for foreign customers. Available Drivers Country Manufacturer Models or Protocols Connection Mode Firmware Version(s) D...

Fiscal Processors

The Fiscal Processor is the component that is responsible for the compliance of the fiscal law when the country fiscal law or its implementation delegates th...

UTD Server

UTD Server is a service that can be installed on Windows computer. It allows to access all methods of all UTD drivers via HTTP rest API. A single UTD Server ...

June 2024: about new installations

Notice Please take note of the following instructions for upcoming installations of the UTD Server: Update Vibecode to the latest version (rel. >=

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