Posible Setup
Inherits from kDataObject\kRoot\kBasic
Name | Type | Label | List | Owned | Cluster | Mandatory | Unique | Note |
AllowRemoveSalesPriceDiscount | tkYesNo | Allow Remove Sales Price Discount | ![]() | |||||
DiscountApplicationMethod | tkDiscountApplicationMethod | Discount Application Method | ![]() | |||||
ReturnReceiptText | tkYesNo | Return Receipt Text | - | |||||
RequestLotteryCode | tkYesNo | Request Lottery Code | - | |||||
MaxSearchResultCount | tkInteger | Max Search Result Count | ![]() | |||||
ShowDimensionsAsChips | tkYesNo | Show Dimensions As Chips | ![]() | |||||
ZipCodeBeforeProvince | tkYesNo | ZipCode Before Province | ![]() | |||||
Dimension1 | tkTranslatableDescription | Dimension1 Description - plural | - | |||||
Dimension2 | tkTranslatableDescription | Dimension2 Description - plural | - | |||||
Dimension3 | tkTranslatableDescription | Dimension3 Description - plural | - | |||||
A_Dimension1 | tkTranslatableDescription | Dimension1 Description - singular | - | |||||
A_Dimension2 | tkTranslatableDescription | Dimension2 Description - singular) | - | |||||
A_Dimension3 | tkTranslatableDescription | Dimension3 Description - singular | - | |||||
UI | kPOSibleSetupUI | User Interface | - | |||||
EnableTilesMode | tkYesNo | Enable Tiles Mode | - | |||||
EnableNFCReader | tkYesNo | Enable NFC Reader | - | |||||
TenderTypes | kTenderType | Tender Types | List | Not Owned | - | |||
RefundCouponType | kCouponType | Refund Coupon Type | - | |||||
RefundTenderTypes | kTenderType | Refund Tender Types | List | Not Owned | - | |||
ReceiptAttributes | tkPOSSetupAttributesReceipt | Receipt Attributes | - | |||||
ReceiptAttributes.ProductCodeOnReceipt | tkYesNo | Print Product Code on Receipts | - | |||||
ReceiptAttributes.ProductDescriptionOnReceipt | tkYesNo | Print Product Description on Receipts | - | |||||
ReceiptAttributes.ProductBarcodeOnReceipt | tkYesNo | Print Product Barcode on Receipts | - | |||||
ReceiptAttributes.ProductSerialOnReceipt | tkYesNo | Print Product Serial on Receipts | - | |||||
ReceiptAttributes.ReceiptBarcodeOnReceipt | tkYesNo | Print Receipt Barcode on Receipts | - | |||||
DisplayAttributes | tkPOSSetupAttributesDisplay | Display Attributes | - | |||||
DisplayAttributes.DeviceStartMessage | tkPOSDisplayMessage | Device Start Message | - | |||||
DisplayAttributes.DeviceStartMessage.Enabled | tkYesNo | Enabled | - | |||||
DisplayAttributes.DeviceStartMessage.Message | tkTranslatableDescription | Message | - | |||||
DisplayAttributes.DeviceStartMessage.Timeout | tkSmallInt | Timeout in Seconds | - | |||||
DisplayAttributes.BeginReceiptMessage | tkPOSDisplayMessage | Message shown on Begin Receipt Printing | - | |||||
DisplayAttributes.BeginReceiptMessage.Enabled | tkYesNo | Enabled | - | |||||
DisplayAttributes.BeginReceiptMessage.Message | tkTranslatableDescription | Message | - | |||||
DisplayAttributes.BeginReceiptMessage.Timeout | tkSmallInt | Timeout in Seconds | - | |||||
DisplayAttributes.EndReceiptMessage | tkPOSDisplayMessage | Message shown on End Receipt Printing | - | |||||
DisplayAttributes.EndReceiptMessage.Enabled | tkYesNo | Enabled | - | |||||
DisplayAttributes.EndReceiptMessage.Message | tkTranslatableDescription | Message | - | |||||
DisplayAttributes.EndReceiptMessage.Timeout | tkSmallInt | Timeout in Seconds | - | |||||
DisplayAttributes.IdleReceiptMessage | tkPOSDisplayMessage | Message shown on Idle | - | |||||
DisplayAttributes.IdleReceiptMessage.Enabled | tkYesNo | Enabled | - | |||||
DisplayAttributes.IdleReceiptMessage.Message | tkTranslatableDescription | Message | - | |||||
DisplayAttributes.IdleReceiptMessage.Timeout | tkSmallInt | Timeout in Seconds | - | |||||
DisplayAttributes.DeviceStopMessage | tkPOSDisplayMessage | Device Stop Message | - | |||||
DisplayAttributes.DeviceStopMessage.Enabled | tkYesNo | Enabled | - | |||||
DisplayAttributes.DeviceStopMessage.Message | tkTranslatableDescription | Message | - | |||||
DisplayAttributes.DeviceStopMessage.Timeout | tkSmallInt | Timeout in Seconds | - | |||||
EFTAttributes | tkPOSSetupAttributesEFT | EFT Attributes | - | |||||
EFTAttributes.PrintLocation | tkPOSPrintLocation | Print Location | - | |||||
EFTAttributes.Copies | tkSmallInt | Nr copies | - | |||||
ScanditSetup | kScanditSetup | Scandit Setup | - | |||||
ReturnMode | tkPOSReturnMode | POS Return mode | - | |||||
NegativeTotalAllowed | tkYesNo | Is negative Total Allowed? | - | |||||
ReturnDayLimit | tkNumberOfDays | Number of Days for Returns | - | |||||
VoidDayLimit | tkNumberOfDays | Max Number of Days for Voids | - | |||||
LocalStorageDayLimit | tkNumberOfDays | Number of Days for Local Storage | - | |||||
AllowNotExistingProductSerial | tkYesNo | Allow not Existing Product Serial | - | |||||
AllowZeroPriceSale | tkAllowZeroPriceSale | Allow Zero Price Sale | - | |||||
AllowPriceOverride | tkYesNo | Allow Price Override | - | |||||
AllowInvoices | tkYesNo | Allow Invoices | - | |||||
PrintReceiptIfInvoice | tkYesNo | Print Receipt if Invoice requested | - | |||||
AllowSendReceiptsByEmail | TkYesNoDefault | Allow send Receipts by eMail | - | |||||
ProductRelations | kPOSProductRelation | Product Relations | List | Owned | - | |||
BookingSetup | tkPOSBookingSetup | Reservation Setup | - | |||||
BookingSetup.Enabled | tkPOSEnableBookings | Enable | - | |||||
BookingSetup.AdvancePayment | tkPOSBookingAdvancePaymentSetup | Advance Payment | - | |||||
BookingSetup.AdvancePayment.Mode | tkPOSBookingAdvancePaymentMode | Advance Payment Mode | - | |||||
BookingSetup.AdvancePayment.Amount | tkAmount | Advance Payment Amount | - | |||||
BookingSetup.AdvancePayment.Amount.Value | tkValue | Amount | - | |||||
BookingSetup.AdvancePayment.Amount.Currency | kCurrency | Currency | - | mandatory(true) {TODO: Mandatory only if Value<>0} | ||||
BookingSetup.AdvancePayment.Percentage | tkPercentage | Advance Payment Percentage | - | |||||
BookingSetup.AdvancePayment.Product | kProduct | Advance Payment Product | - | |||||
InhibitSalesifNoAvailability | tkYesNoAlert | Inhibit Sales if No Availability | - | |||||
InhibitSalesIfNoSOH | tkYesNoAlert | Inhibit Sales if No SOH | - | |||||
CriticalAvailabilityThreshold | tkQuantity | Critical Availability Threshold | - | |||||
CriticalAvailabilityThreshold.Value | tkValue | Quantity | - | |||||
CriticalAvailabilityThreshold.UnitOfMeasure | kUnitOfMeasure | UOM | - | TODO: true only if tkvalue<>0 | ||||
ReservationDocumentType | kBusinessDocumentType | Reservation Document Type | - | |||||
DefaultProductImage | tkAttachment | Default Product Image | - | |||||
ReceiptMessages | tkPOSReceiptMessages | Receipt Messages | - | |||||
ReceiptMessages.Footer | kReceiptMessage | Footer | On Request | - | ||||
ReceiptMessages.LoyaltyFooter | kReceiptMessage | Loyalty Footer | On Request | - | ||||
ReceiptMessages.NoLoyaltyFooter | kReceiptMessage | No Loyalty Footer | On Request | - | ||||
ReceiptMessages.GiftReceipt | kReceiptMessage | Gift Receipt | On Request | - | ||||
ReceiptMessages.MessageReceipt | kReceiptMessage | Message Receipt | On Request | - | ||||
ReceiptMessages.ReservationMessage | kReceiptMessage | Reservation Message | On Request | - | ||||
MaxCashAmount | tkAmount | Max Cash Amount | - | |||||
MaxCashAmount.Value | tkValue | Amount | - | |||||
MaxCashAmount.Currency | kCurrency | Currency | - | mandatory(true) {TODO: Mandatory only if Value<>0} | ||||
MaxReceiptAmount | tkAmount | Max Receipt Amount | - | |||||
MaxReceiptAmount.Value | tkValue | Amount | - | |||||
MaxReceiptAmount.Currency | kCurrency | Currency | - | mandatory(true) {TODO: Mandatory only if Value<>0} | ||||
AllowReturnsNoReceipt | tkYesNo | Allow Returns without Receipt | - | |||||
CouponsRedemptionRule | tkCouponsRedemptionRule | Coupon Redemption Rule | - | |||||
ReceiptMailTemplate | kMailTemplate | Mail Template for Share Receipts | On Request | - | ||||
StoreMailTemplate | kMailTemplate | Mail Template for Stores Card | On Request | - | ||||
ReceiptTemplate | kMailTemplate | Receipt Template | - | |||||
ReservationTemplate | kMailTemplate | Reservation Template | - | |||||
AllowIssueVirtualGiftcards | tkYesNo | Allow issue of Virtual Gift Cards | - | |||||
DefaultGiftcardIssueReasoncode | kGiftCardTransactionReasonCode | Giftcard Default Issue Reason Code | - | |||||
DefaultGiftcardRedeemReasoncode | kGiftCardTransactionReasonCode | Giftcard Default Redemption Reason Code | - | |||||
DefaultGiftcardChargeReasoncode | kGiftCardTransactionReasonCode | Giftcard Default Recharge Reason Code | - | |||||
DefaultGiftcardBlockReasoncode | kGiftCardTransactionReasonCode | Giftcard Default Block Reason Code | - | |||||
DefaultGiftcardSuspendReasoncode | kGiftCardTransactionReasonCode | Giftcard Default Suspend Reason Code | - | |||||
GiftcardOpenAuthExpiration | tkShortString | Giftcard Auth Expiration | - | |||||
AllowDiscountOnGiftCards | tkYesNo | Allow Discount on Gift Card Sale | - | |||||
Boards | kKPIBoard | KPI Boards | List | Not Owned | - | |||
UnpaidPriority | tkUnpaidPriority | Unpaid amounts priority | - | |||||
TippingRule | kPOSTippingRule | Tipping Rule | - | |||||
GenericSalesProduct | kProduct | Generic Sales Products | On Request | ![]() | - | |||
PrintInvoice | tkYesNo | Print Invoice | - | |||||
InvoiceTemplate | tkShortString | Invoice Template Name | - | |||||
InvoiceImmediatePrint | tkYesNo | Invoice Immediate Print | - | |||||
CheckProductAvailability | tkYesNo | Check Product Availability | - | |||||
PassportIDDocumentType | kIDDocumentType | ID Document Type | - | |||||
PromoEngineMode | tkPromoEngineMode | Promo Engine Mode | - | |||||
AllowSearchLoyaltyCustomerFromHomePage | tkYesNo | Allow Search Loyalty Customer From HomePage | - | |||||
AllowedLoyaltyCustomerSearch | kPosibleLoyaltyCustomerSearch | List | Owned | - | ||||
SendFBOrderOnReceipt | tkYesNo | Send FBOrder On Receipt | - | |||||
DeliveryRequestType | tkDeliveryRequestType | Delivery Request Type | - | |||||
FBOrderRequireCustomerData | tkYesNo | FBOrder Require Customer Data | - | |||||
ShowScannerButton | tkYesNo | Show Scanner Button | - | |||||
LoyaltySections | kPOSLoyaltySection | List | Owned | - | ||||
ShowMessageOnReceiptPrint | tkYesNo | Show Successful Message for Receipt Print | - | |||||
AutoPrintReceipt | tkYesNo | Auto Print Receipt | - | |||||
ReceiptRequestConsumableList | tkGenericRequestMode | Request Consumable List | - | |||||
Consumables | kProduct | Consumables products | On Request | ![]() | - | |||
TableRequest | tkGenericRequestMode | Request Table | - | |||||
RestaurantMode | tkYesNo | Restaurant Mode | - | |||||
RequestCover | tkGenericRequestMode | Request Cover | - | |||||
CoverProduct | kProduct | Cover Product | - | |||||
QuickMode | tkYesNo | - | ||||||
AllowPrintReceipt | TkYesNoDefault | - | ||||||
AllowNoPrintNoEmail | tkYesNo | - | ||||||
UseBookingOperatorInSale | tkYesNo | - | ||||||
TaxRelationMandatory | tkYesNo | - | ||||||
AttachmentsUrls | kLoyaltyCDCTranslatedAttachment | List | Owned | - | ||||
AddInfoModel | kReceiptAddInfoModel | - | ||||||
ClosureManagement | tkYesNo | - | ||||||
CashLessDevice | tkYesNo | - | ||||||
NumericKeypadType | tkNumericKeypadType | - | ||||||
SettingsPassword | tkShortString | - | ||||||
CustomDesktopActivities | kCustomDesktopActivity | Custom Desktop Activities | List | Owned | - | |||
Inherited from kBasic | ||||||||
Code | tkCode | Code | ![]() | ![]() | ||||
Description | tkTranslatableDescription | Description | - | |||||
Remark | kRemark | Remark | Owned | - | ||||
Inherited from kRoot | ||||||||
TimeStampVersion | tkTimeStamp | - | mandatory(true) Servirebbe una query di update prima di poter applicare questa modifica | |||||
Inherited from kDataObject | ||||||||
Id | tkUnique | Id | ![]() | ![]() | ||||
ClassName | tkCode | Class Name | ![]() | |||||
CreatedBy | tkCode | Created BY | - | |||||
LastModifiedBy | tkCode | Last Modified By | - | |||||
CreatedDate | tkDateTime | Created Date | - | |||||
LastModifiedDate | tkDateTime | Last Modified Date | - | |||||
RevisionNumber | tkInteger | Revision Number | - | |||||
WorkflowStatus | kWorkflowStatus | Workflow Status | - | |||||
OwnedOnRequest | tkYesNo | Is owned on request | - | |||||
Origin | kSystem | Origin | - | |||||
LastModifiedProcess | tkGuid | Last process | - |
(E) : Type have an event assigned to it, look at type documentation for mode details
(A) : Property have an autocoderole, look autocoderole grid for mode details
When | Method Name | Module | Parameters | On | Off | Asynch |
beforeinsert (I) | OnInitWorkFlow | kCoreServices | ||||
afterinsert (I) | AutoTransition | kCoreServices | ||||
afterupdate (I) | AutoTransition | kCoreServices | workflowstatus |
Inherited from kBasic
- class : kBasic
- searchproperty : description,code
- displayproperties : code,description