If connected via TCP, the standard port to be used is 9100.
In addition to the list of acquirers embedded in the driver, it is also possible to setup a custom list in case the acquirer is not mapped in the driver.
To setup the custom list just you must create, in the same folder where the driver is saved, a file named TKPA_INGENICOP17_10.INI.
The file comply with the standard format used for “ini” files and must be setup accordingly to the following rules:
Section Name: [Acquirers]
Parameter Name: Code of the acquirer as returned by the device
Parameter Value: Name of the acquirer. For a complete list of the mapped names, pleas refers to the PaymentNetwork property of the response document
The content of the file take precedence over the standard codes. Standard codes are applied if no match in the custom list is found
Refund is performed without any check against the original receipt. This means that a credit card refund is totally uncontrolled
The only way to perform a “controlled” refund is via the VOID action. In this case there is NO CHECK against the amount of the original payment. The VOID is always done for the complete amount of the original transaction. The responsibility to check the amount to be credited is equal to the amount paid is upon the POS application
If the RefundReference/PaymentID is set to the value 000000, the last transaction will be voided.
Change History
Version | Release Date | Notes | Download |
1.24 | 26/11/2022 |
| |
1.23 | 30/09/2022 |
| |
1.22 | 29/09/2022 |
| |
1.21 | 29/10/2021 |
| |
1.20 | 06/08/2021 |
| |
1.19 | 22/07/2021 | Bugfixing Storno Retroattivo. | |
1.18 | 21/07/2021 | Bugfixing Storno Retroattivo. | |
1.17 | 19/07/2021 | Attivita funzionalità storno retroattivo (Verificare abilitazione con il gestore terminali) | |
1.16 | 19/07/2021 |
| |
1.15 | 14/06/2021 |
| |
1.14 | 01/06/2021 | Forzato Encoding 8bit in lettura socket per risoluzione problemi calcolo checksum nel caso in cui il pacchetto contenta caratteri ASCII speciali (e.g. Caratteri Spagnoli) | |
1.13 | 31/05/2021 | Viene ora riportata nei log la versione del driver | |
1.12 | 26/05/2021 |
| |
1.11 | 07/05/2021 | Aggiornata tabella Acquirer | |
1.10 | 27/04/2021 | Migliorato ulteriormente logging | |
1.09 | 27/04/2021 | Aumentato Timeout lettura messaggi ricevuta a 5 secondi e migliorato logging | |
1.08 | 06/04/2021 | Incrementato timeout a 1 secondo nel loop di lettura delle righe della ricevuta | |
1.07 | 01/04/2021 | Modificato prototipo chiamata Pay |
1.06 | 05/01/2021 | Aggiunto Versionamento su Resource File |
1.05 | 10/08/2020 | Corretto errore in parsing XML in caso di valori numerici null | |
1.04 | 03/08/2020 | Added MaxAmount and MaxItems | |
1.03 | 26/06/2020 | Correzione errori in Unload DLL | |
1.02 | 04/06/2020 | Aggiunto Metodo GetVersion | |
1.01 | 29/05/2020 | Modifiche gestione timeout | |
1.00 | 23/06/2019 | Rilascio Iniziale |