Get Totals [GETTOTALS]
Method Name: GETTOTALS
If supported by the device, retrieve the total amount of payments in the day.
Level | Node Name | Node Value(s) | Notes |
1 | GetTotals |
2 | StoreCode | <string> | Store Code |
2 | TillCode | <string> | Till Code |
2 | PrintLocation | ECR | Specify where the receipt will be printed: |
2 | Reference | <string> | An optional string that can be passed to the provider and/or printed on the payment receipt |
<Reference>EFT EOD Closing</Reference>
Level | Node Name | Node Value(s) | Notes |
1 | DeviceID | <string> | Device ID |
1 | DateTime | <datetime> | Date/Time of the request |
1 | TotalAmount | <currency> | Total Amount of the Payment Transactions |
1 | Currency | <string> | Currency |
1 | ReceiptText | <string> | Text of the EOD Receipt |
<Error>False</Error> <ErrorText/>