Omni Setup
Inherits from kDataObject\kDataBasic
Name | Type | Label | List | Owned | Cluster | Mandatory | Unique | Note |
ProductDimensionType | kDimensionType | Product Dimension Type | - | |||||
StandardPriceGroup | kSalesPriceGroup | Standard Price Group | ||||||
SalesDocType | kSalesDocType | Sales Document Type | - | |||||
SalesDocTypeForInvoice | kSalesDocType | Sales Document Type for invoice | - | |||||
CreditNoteDocType | kSalesDocType | Credit Note document type | - | |||||
ReturnOrderDocType | kSalesDocType | Return Order Document Type | - | |||||
SalesOrderType | kSalesOrderType | Sales Order Type | - | |||||
PromotionalPriceGroup | kSalesPriceGroup | Promotional Price Group | ||||||
SpecialPriceGroup | kSalesPriceGroup | Special Price Group | - | |||||
SpecialPriceGroupCalendarType | kPriceCalendarType | Special Price Group Calendar Type | - | |||||
Lines | kOmniSetupLine | Lines | List | Owned | - | |||
ServiceToAlignPrice | tkDescription | Service to align prices | - | |||||
SubscriberAll | kSubscriber | All Product Subscriber | ||||||
SubscriberDelta | kSubscriber | Delta Product Subscriber | ||||||
StockSubscriber | kSubscriber | Stock Subscriber | - | |||||
SizeConversionSubscriber | kSubscriber | Size conversion Subscriber | - | |||||
ExportPath | tkDescription | Export Path | ||||||
ImgExportPath | tkDescription | Image Export Path | - | |||||
ExportFtp | tkYesNo | Export Ftp | ||||||
DefaultSizeGuideType | kOmniConvertedSizeType | Default Size Guide Type | - | |||||
HostFtp | tkDescription | FTP Host | - | |||||
PortFtp | tkInteger | FTP Port | - | |||||
Secure | tkYesNo | Secure | - | |||||
PassiveMode | tkYesNo | Passive Mode | - | |||||
FtpPath | tkDescription | Ftp Path | - | |||||
ImgFtpPath | tkDescription | Image Ftp Path | - | |||||
ExportImages | tkYesNo | Export Images | - | |||||
ZipImages | tkYesNo | Zip images before Export | - | |||||
UserNameFtp | tkDescription | User Name | - | |||||
PasswordFtp | tkDescription | Password | - | |||||
DaysForDeltaRetention | tkIntegerPositive | Days for export delta retention | - | |||||
BaseColorConversion | kOmniCommerce_BaseColorConversion | Setup for Base Color automatic assignment | - | |||||
NotifyToRestWS | tkYesNo | Notify to Rest-based Web Services | ||||||
NotifyRestWS | kOmniRestWS | Notify Rest-based Web Services | - | |||||
RtvStock | kOmniRestWS | Retrieve Stock on Rest-based Web Services | - | |||||
NotifyRtvStock | kOmniRestWS | Notify Retrieved Stock Rest-based Web Services | - | |||||
RtvRealtimeStock | kOmniRestWS | Retrieve Realtime Product Stock Rest-based Web Services | - | |||||
AddTransferReq | kOmniRestWS | Add transfer request | - | |||||
AddDocument | kOmniRestWS | Add sale document | - | |||||
AddOrder | kOmniRestWS | Add non-paid order | - | |||||
VoidOrder | kOmniRestWS | Void unpaid order | - | |||||
OrderValidityDays | tkSmallInt | Unpaid order validity days | - | |||||
MandatoryCustomerCode | tkYesNo | Save temporary carts for Loyalty customers only | - | |||||
OrderPhaseForInvoice | tkOrderPhaseForInvoice | Order phase to perform the Invoice call | - | |||||
WaitConfirmationAfterInvoice | tkYesNo | Wait Confirmation After Invoice | - | |||||
CreatePickingListOnincompleteOrder | tkYesNo | Create PickingList On Incomplete Order | - | |||||
Capture | tkCapture | Capture parameter for Invoice | - | |||||
AllocationRule | kAllocationRule | Allocation rules | - | |||||
ShipmentStrategy | tkShipmentStrategy | Shipment strategy | - | |||||
ImmediateTransfer | tkYesNo | Immediate transfer to hub stores | - | |||||
AllowTemporaryHub | tkYesNo | Allow temporary hubs | - | |||||
MaxAllocationRetry | tkSmallInt | Max allocation retries for the same store | - | |||||
TraceProductNotFound | tkYesNo | Trace products not found | - | |||||
TraceProductNotFoundReasonCode | kOmniCommerce_ProductNotFoundReasonCode | Product not found reason code | - | |||||
ReprocessWholeOrder | tkReprocess | Reprocess the whole order in case of not found | - | |||||
AllowTransferForInStoreDelivery | tkAllowTransfer | Allow transfers for in-store delivery | - | |||||
AllowZeroPrice | tkYesNo | Allow zero prices for physical products | - | |||||
ECommerceCommunicationSetup | kCommunicationSetup | E-Commerce communication setup | - | |||||
GiftCards | kProduct | Gift card products | Owned | - | ||||
ProductsExcludedFromDiscounts | kProduct | Products excluded from discounts | Owned | - | ||||
DefaultStore | kStore | Default store for sale document | - | |||||
DefaultCourier | kCourierAssociation | Default couriers | List | Owned | - | |||
ShipmentFeeProduct | kProduct | Product for shipment fee | - | |||||
DownPaymentProduct | kProduct | Product for down payment | - | |||||
PaymentSetup | kPaymentSetup | Payment setup | - | |||||
WarningMailTemplate | kMailTemplate | Notification e-mail for communication errors | - | |||||
ForbidOnDeliveryInStore | tkYesNo | Forbid on delivery in store | - | |||||
OnDeliveryCountries | kCountry | Countries for on-delivery shipment | List | Not Owned | - | |||
AllowedStores | kStore | Stores that can provide products | On Request | - | ||||
TemporaryNotAvailableStoreRule | tkTemporaryNotAvailableStoreRule | Rule for temporarily not avaialable store | - | |||||
ShipmentTrackingSetup | kShipmentTrackingSetup | Shipment tracking setup | List | Not Owned | - | |||
AllowManualOrders | tkYesNo | Allow manual orders | - | |||||
ManualOrderPrefix | tkShortDescription | Prefix for manual orders | - | |||||
ShipmentIntegratorSetup | kShipmentIntegratorSetup | Shipment integrator setup | - | |||||
SuccessfulExportTemplate | kMailTemplate | Successful Export Template | - | |||||
FailedExportTemplate | kMailTemplate | Failed Export Template | - | |||||
CheckCartRestWS | kOmniRestWS | Check Cart Rest-based Web Services | - | |||||
PromoEngineType | tkOmniPromoEngineType | - | ||||||
DefaultCartStore | kStore | - | ||||||
SkipTracking | tkYesNo | - | ||||||
NotFoundProductPickingListStore | kStore | - | ||||||
BatchPickingListCriteria | kOmniCommerceBatchPickingListCriterion | Batch Picking List Criteria | List | Owned | - | |||
BatchPickingListForDeliveryAtHome | tkNoMandatoryOptional | For delivery at home | - | |||||
BatchPickingListForTransfer | tkNoMandatoryOptional | For transfer | - | |||||
BatchPickingListForPickOnStore | tkNoMandatoryOptional | For pickon store | - | |||||
BatchMaxProduct | tkInteger | Max product in one batch | - | |||||
BatchQtyExceededMessage | tkTranslatableDescription | Batch Qty exceeded message with %s for quantity | - | |||||
BatchGroupByOnDelivery | tkYesNo | Group By On Delivery | - | |||||
OrderConsolidationMandatory | tkYesNo | - | ||||||
ResetAuthorizedQuantity | tkYesNo | - | ||||||
AutoReprocessOrder | tkYesNo | - | ||||||
Inherited from kDataBasic | ||||||||
Code | tkCode | Code | ||||||
Description | tkTranslatableDescription | Description | - | |||||
Remark | kRemark | Remark | Owned | - | ||||
Inherited from kDataObject | ||||||||
Id | tkUnique | Id | ||||||
ClassName | tkCode | Class Name | ||||||
CreatedBy | tkCode | Created BY | - | |||||
LastModifiedBy | tkCode | Last Modified By | - | |||||
CreatedDate | tkDateTime | Created Date | - | |||||
LastModifiedDate | tkDateTime | Last Modified Date | - | |||||
RevisionNumber | tkInteger | Revision Number | - | |||||
WorkflowStatus | kWorkflowStatus | Workflow Status | - | |||||
OwnedOnRequest | tkYesNo | Is owned on request | - | |||||
Origin | kSystem | Origin | - | |||||
LastModifiedProcess | tkGuid | Last process | - | |||||
Extension | ||||||||
Omni Commerce | ||||||||
EmailEventAssociation | kEmailEventAssociation | E-mail templates associated to events | List | Owned | - |
(E) : Type have an event assigned to it, look at type documentation for mode details
(A) : Property have an autocoderole, look autocoderole grid for mode details
When | Method Name | Module | Parameters | On | Off | Asynch |
beforeinsert (I) | OnInitWorkFlow | kCoreServices | ||||
afterinsert (I) | AutoTransition | kCoreServices | ||||
afterupdate (I) | AutoTransition | kCoreServices | workflowstatus |
Inherited from kDataBasic
- class : kDataBasic
- searchproperty : description,code
- displayproperties : code,description
Used By
Class | Property |
kOmniChannel | Setup |