The receipt object describes a sales receipts.
Level | Node Name | Node Value(s) | Notes |
1 | Receipt |
2 | Layout | <string> | Name of the Layout to use |
2 | Type | SALE | Normal Sale |
REFUND | Refund | ||
VOID | Voids a previously issued receipt | ||
INVOICESALE | An invoice will be issued | ||
INVOICESALEFROMRECEIPT | An invoice, linked to a previously issued receipt, will be issued | ||
2 | SubType | <string> | Subtype of the receipt. Values are determined by each driver |
2 | ExternalReference | <string> | External Reference of the receipt |
2 | StoreCode | <string> | Store Code |
2 | TillCode | <string> | Till Code |
2 | Number | <string> | đźš© Receipt Number |
2 | DateTime | <datetime> | Receipt Date and Time (ISO8601) |
2 | BusinessDate | <date> | Business Date. |
2 | InvoiceNumber | <string> | Invoice Number |
2 | InvoiceDateTime | <datetime> | Invoice Date Time |
2 | TotalAmount | <currency> | Total amount of the receipt (taxes included, tip excluded) |
2 | TipAmount | <currency> | Amount of the Tip |
2 | CountryCode | <string> | Store Country Code (ISO3166-alpha2) |
2 | StoreAddress | <string> | Store Address |
2 | StoreZipCode | <string> | Store Zip Code |
2 | StoreCity | <string> | Store City |
2 | FiscalAreaCode | <string> | Fiscal Area Code |
2 | CompanyCode | <string> | Company Code |
2 | CompanyTaxCode | <string> | Company Tax Code |
2 | OperatorCode | <string> | Operator Code |
2 | ReceiptBarcode | <string> | Barcode that will be printed on the receipt |
2 | CurrencyCode | <string> | Currency Code (ISO4217-alpha) |
2 | CustomerCode | <string> | Customer Code |
2 | CustomerCard | <string> | Loyalty Card Code |
2 | CustomerBusinessName | <string> | Name of the Customer Company |
2 | CustomerName | <string> | Name of the Customer |
2 | CustomerSurname | <string> | Surname of the Customer |
2 | CustomerAddress | <string> | Address of the Customer |
2 | CustomerZipCode | <string> | Zip Code of the Customer |
2 | CustomerCity | <string> | City of the Customer |
2 | CustomerProvince | <string> | Province of the Customer |
2 | CustomerCountry | <string> | Customer Country Code |
2 | CustomerCountryDescription | <string> | Customer Country Description |
2 | CustomerTaxCode | <string> | Customer Tax Code |
2 | CustomerFiscalCode | <string> | Customer Fiscal Code |
2 | CustomerIdType | PASSPORT | Type of the Identification Document of the Customer |
2 | CustomerIdNumber | <string> | Identification Document Number of the Customer |
2 | CustomerIdCountry | <string> | Issuing Country of the Identification Document |
2 | CustomerDateOfBirth | <date> | Date of Birth |
2 | LotteryIdCode | <string> | Lottery Code |
2 | ToBeInvoiced | <boolean> | The receipt will be later invoiced |
2 | SendByEmail | <boolean> | The receipt will be sent by email |
2 | EmailReference | <string> | Reference ID for the email |
2 | EmailRecipients | <string> | eMail addresses to which the receipt will be delivered. eMail addressed must be separated by semicolons (;) |
2 | PrintReceipt | <boolean> | Default = True |
2 | References | References | |
3 | OriginalReceipt | <string> | Original Receipt Info |
4 | ReceiptDateTime | <datetime> | Original Receipt DateTime (ISO8601) |
4 | ReceiptNumber | <string> | Original Receipt Number |
4 | DeviceSerialNumber | <string> | Original Receipt Device Serial Number |
4 | ServerSerialNumber | <string> | Serial Number of the Fiscal Server that originate the receipt. To be used only if the original receipt has been generated by a Fiscal Server |
4 | EJNumber | <string> | Original Receipt Electronic Journal Number |
4 | EJClosingNumber | <string> | Original Receipt Closing Number on Electronic Journal |
4 | ExcludeFPCheck | false | The references will be checked by the Fiscal Printer |
true | The references will NOT be checked by the Fiscal Printer | ||
4 | ReferenceType | EFTRECEIPT | EFT Receipts |
EMPTIES | Empty Bottles | ||
NOTAVAILABLE | Reference not available | ||
4 | ExternalReference | <string> | External Reference of the original receipt |
4 | InvoiceNumber | <string> | Invoice Number |
4 | InvoiceDateTime | <datetime> | Invoice Date and Time |
2 | Headers | ||
3 | HeaderLine | <string> | Text of the Header Line |
2 | Lines |
This Node contains a list of ReceiptLines objects, They can be of different types. You can mix as many line types as you want but they must be consistent. For Example you cannot have just a DiscountLine without having a SaleLine to which the DiscountLine belongs See Receipt Lines for the details | |
2 | Taxes | ||
3 | Tax | ||
4 | Type | VAT | Value Added Tax (included in the price) |
SALESTAX | Sales Tax (not included in the price) | ||
4 | Code | ||
4 | Description | ||
4 | Rate | ||
4 | TaxableAmount | ||
4 | TaxAmount | ||
4 | TotalAmount | ||
2 | Payments | ||
3 | Payment | ||
4 | Type | CASH | Cash |
CHEQUE | Cheque | ||
CREDIT | Not Paid | ||
CREDITONPRODUCTS | Products not Paid | ||
CREDITONSERVICES | Services not Paid | ||
CREDITCARD | Credit Card | ||
DEBITCARD | Debit Card | ||
GIFTCARD | Gift Card | ||
VOUCHER | Voucher | ||
MEALVOUCHER | Meal Voucher | ||
NHSCARD | National Health Service Card | ||
CHANGE | Change | ||
4 | Description | ||
4 | Amount | ||
4 | Currency | ||
4 | Quantity | ||
4 | UnitPrice | ||
2 | TrailerMessages |
This Node contains a list of TrailerMessages objects, They can be of different types. You can mix as many Messages types as you want. Fiscal Printer Firmware/Hardware limitations can apply. See MessageLines for the details |
Receipt Lines
Describe the sale of a product
Level | Node Name | Node Value(s) | Notes |
1 | ProductSale |
2 | Code | <string> | Product Code |
2 | Description | <string> | Product Description |
2 | Quantity | <currency> | Quantity Sold |
2 | UOM | <string> | Unit Of Measure |
2 | Department | <string> | Department Code |
2 | Attribute | PRODUCT | The line refers to a product |
SERVICE | The line refers to a service | ||
2 | TaxCode | <string> | Tax Code |
2 | Price | <currency> | Price |
2 | Amount | <currency> | Amount (= Quantity * Price) |
2 | FreeOfCharge | <boolean> | Free of Charge Flag |
Describe the return of a product.
Used only if Receipt Type = Sale. In case of Refund or Void use ProductSale
Level | Node Name | Node Value(s) | Notes |
1 | ProductReturn |
2 | Code | <string> | Product Code |
2 | Description | <string> | Product Description |
2 | Quantity | <currency> | Quantity Sold |
2 | UOM | <string> | Unit Of Measure |
2 | Department | <string> | Department Code |
2 | Attribute | PRODUCT | The line refers to a product |
SERVICE | The line refers to a service | ||
2 | TaxCode | <string> | Tax Code |
2 | Price | <currency> | Price |
2 | Amount | <currency> | Amount (= Quantity * Price) |
2 | FreeOfCharge | <boolean> | Free of Charge Flag |
Describe the sale of a product weighted during the sale
Level | Node Name | Node Value(s) | Notes |
1 | WeightedProductSale |
2 | Code | <string> | Product Code |
2 | Description | <string> | Product Description |
2 | Quantity | <currency> | Quantity Sold |
2 | UOM | <string> | Unit Of Measure |
2 | Department | <string> | Department Code |
2 | Attribute | PRODUCT | The line refers to a product |
SERVICE | The line refers to a service | ||
2 | TaxCode | <string> | Tax Code |
2 | Price | <currency> | Price |
2 | Amount | <currency> | Amount (= Quantity * Price) |
2 | Tare | <currency> | Tare Weight |
2 | FreeOfCharge | <boolean> | Free of Charge Flag |
Describe either the receiving of a “Down Payment” or the usage of a “Down Payment”
Level | Node Name | Node Value(s) | Notes |
1 | CollectAmount |
2 | Description | <string> | Line Description |
2 | Department | <string> | Department Code |
2 | TaxCode | <string> | Tax Code |
2 | Amount | <currency> | Amount. If positive you are receiving a down payment If negative you are using or giving back a previously received down payment |
Describe the sale of a Voucher
Level | Node Name | Node Value(s) | Notes |
1 | VoucherSale |
2 | Code | <string> | Voucher Code |
2 | Description | <string> | Voucher Description |
2 | Department | <string> | Department Code |
2 | TaxCode | <string> | Tax Code |
2 | Price | <currency> | Price |
2 | FreeOfCharge | <boolean> | Free of Charge Flag |
Describe the redemption of a Voucher
Level | Node Name | Node Value(s) | Notes |
1 | VoucherRedeem |
2 | Code | <string> | Voucher Code |
2 | Description | <string> | Voucher Description |
2 | Department | <string> | Department Code |
2 | TaxCode | <string> | Tax Code |
2 | Price | <currency> | Price |
Cause the print of a Subtotal line on the Receipt
Level | Node Name | Node Value(s) | Notes |
1 | SubTotal |
2 | Amount | <currency> | Subtotal Amount |
Cause the print of a remark line on the Receipt
Level | Node Name | Node Value(s) | Notes |
1 | Text |
2 | Description | <string> | Description |
Describe a Line Discount Amount
Level | Node Name | Node Value(s) | Notes |
1 | DiscountAmount |
2 | Description | <string> | Discount Description |
2 | Amount | <currency> | Discount Amount |
Describe a Line Percentage Discount
Level | Node Name | Node Value(s) | Notes |
1 | DiscountPercentage |
2 | Description | <string> | Discount Description |
2 | Percentage | <currency> | Discount Percentage |
2 | Amount | <currency> | Discount Amount |
Describe a Line Discount Amount on the actual total of the receipt
Level | Node Name | Node Value(s) | Notes |
1 | DiscountAmountOnSubTotal |
2 | Description | <string> | Discount Description |
2 | Amount | <currency> | Discount Amount |
Describe a Line Percentage Discount on the actual total of the receipt
Level | Node Name | Node Value(s) | Notes |
1 | DiscountPercentageOnSubTotal |
2 | Description | <string> | Product Description |
2 | Percentage | <currency> | Discount Percentage |
2 | Amount | <currency> | Discount Amount |
Describe a Line Markup Amount
Level | Node Name | Node Value(s) | Notes |
1 | MarkupAmount |
2 | Description | <string> | Markup Description |
2 | Amount | <currency> | Markup Amount |
Describe a Line Markup Discount
Level | Node Name | Node Value(s) | Notes |
1 | MarkupPercentage |
2 | Description | <string> | Markup Description |
2 | Percentage | <currency> | Markup Percentage |
2 | Amount | <currency> | Markup Amount |
Describe a Line Markup Amount on the actual total of the receipt
Level | Node Name | Node Value(s) | Notes |
1 | MarkupAmountOnSubTotal |
2 | Description | <string> | Markup Description |
2 | Amount | <currency> | Markup Amount |
Describe a Line Percentage Markup on the actual total of the receipt
Level | Node Name | Node Value(s) | Notes |
1 | MarkupPercentageOnSubTotal |
2 | Description | <string> | Product Description |
2 | Percentage | <currency> | Markup Percentage |
2 | Amount | <currency> | Markup Amount |
Message Lines
Prints a Text Remark
Level | Node Name | Node Value(s) | Notes |
1 | Text |
2 | Value | <string> | Message Text |
2 | Size | <integer> | Size (device dependent) |
2 | Alignment | LEFT | Left Aligned |
RIGHT | Right Aligned | ||
CENTER | Centered |
Prints a Barcode
Level | Node Name | Node Value(s) | Notes |
1 | Barcode |
2 | Type | EAN13 | EAN 13 |
EAN8 | EAN 8 | ||
CODE39 | CODE 39 | ||
CODE128 | CODE 128 | ||
UPCA | UPC A | ||
UPCE | UPC E | ||
2 | Value | <string> | Barcode Value |
2 | Alignment | LEFT | Left Aligned |
RIGHT | Right Aligned | ||
CENTER | Centered | ||
3 | HRI | <boolean> | True = HRI is printed (default) |
Not yet available
<Description>T-Shirt Long Sleeve Color Red Size XS</Description>
<Description>American Express</Description>
<Description>IVA 22%</Description>